UPS Surveys / UPS Battery Replacement

Regular inspection and maintenance of Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is essential for ensuring the reliable operation of critical power backup systems. UPS surveys provide proactive maintenance, enhance system reliability, protect connected equipment, ensure safety, comply with industry standards and regulations, extend equipment lifespan, and support business continuity.

All of the above traduces in peace of mind. Regular UPS inspections and maintenance provide peace of mind to businesses that rely on uninterrupted power. Knowing that the UPS system is regularly monitored and maintained increases confidence in its reliability and ability to safeguard critical operations during power outages.

It's important to note that qualified technicians with expertise in UPS systems must carry out UPS surveys. At DCEC, we follow manufacturers’ guidelines and industry best practices and use specialized tools to conduct thorough inspections and ensure the UPS system's optimal performance.

Upon inspection completion, a UPS Survey Report is provided detailing discrepancies and recommendations based on the following:

Visual inspection of the UPS battery bank
Test of individual lead-acid cells or monoblocs
Battery Bank Load test results
Battery replacement schedule

Unexpected failures or power disruptions can result in significant downtime costs, data loss, and equipment damage.  Take proactive steps to ensure the reliability of your backup power system. Our experienced technicians are ready to assist you with comprehensive UPS inspection and maintenance.