Main Objective
The project was intended to correct and rewire connections of the synchronizing relay devices, to be able to synchronize Orote generator switchgear, T-11 & T-12 switchgear with Island Wide Power System. Rewiring of synchronizing relays, correct wiring control connections of existing Orote generator switchgear, T-11 & T-12.
The Challenge
The challenges encountered at the T-11 and T-12 switchgears were due to the fact that the original retrofit performed on the system was unsuccessful in performing synchronizing functions with IWPS. The SEL-351S protection relays were not programmed to perform sync check functions and the incoming phasors for paralleling functions were not the proper ones.
The Solution
After verifying that the phasors were incorrect, a new PT transformer was installed and rewired to adjust the phasors to the proper slip and voltage for sync check operations. Once the voltage sensing was corrected, a reprogramming of the SEL351S was performed.